Several members of the LSU faculty have made themselves available to answer your questions through this site, so take advantage of it! post your question in any of the comment areas, and we'll get it to an expert right away. Feel free to send us an email adress, or we may post the answer for everyone to benefit!


This is NOT a site for specific medical consultation
No physician will be able to diagnose or provide specific treatment advise through this site.
See your physician with specific questions about what is best for you!

Monday, December 22, 2008

WGNO Interview with Dr. Richter

About a month ago, Dr. Richter made his debut on WGNO news talking about movement disorders and the current neurosurgical treatments. Parkinson's disease (PD) remains the most commonly mentioned of the movement disorders, affecting about 1.5 million Americans. Deep brain stimulation, a current treatment option for PD, is one of the main procedures that may be discussed on this blog site in the near future.

WDSU Interview with Dr. Richter

In case you missed it, last Thursday, December 18th, Dr. Erich Richter made an appearance on WDSU to talk about this blog site! It is truly exciting to have this sort of involvement from local neurosurgeons and LSU faculty members. I expect there to be a lot of Q&A over this holiday season!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Sister Websites help with Disease Specific Information.

Sister blog websites have been established for Epilepsy and Parkinson's Disease. Because the therapies associated with these disorders are so complex and involve a number of specialists working together, we have created spaces just for them. Look at for Parkinson's disease information, and for information about local resources for seizures. Note that links to these sites are always found in the bar on the right hand side of this page.