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Saturday, March 28, 2009

Mold-induced seizures?

"Mold" is the common term for multicellular fungi that grow in a mat. Generally, they are not pathogenic to immunocompetent patients. Molds may negatively affect humans through developing the following processes: allergy, infection, and toxicity. Allergic response to indoor molds is mediated via production of specific molecules, called immunoglobulins, and is associated with development of atopic reactions, such as atopic asthma, rhinitis, and dermatitis. Other uncommon allergic reactions include bronchopulmonary aspergillosis and allergic sinusitis. Infections are potentially dangerous for individuals with weak immune system, such as cancer patients, AIDS, etc. In addition, molds are capable of producing mycotoxins. In fact, an inhalation exposure or eating moldy foods may adversely affect health. It is commonly referred as organic dust toxic syndrome which is characterized by a flu-like symptoms. Interestingly, sick building syndrome is a set of symptoms that seems to be linked to occupancy in a building. While specific causes of this syndrome remain unknown, some believe that mold contamination may be contributing factor. A critical review of literature, including a case-control study, did not show any significant correlation between exposure to mycotoxins and human disease. To address the indoor mold-induced seizure, a case control study would be needed.


  1. I watched a news cast this week about Dr. Robert Dawson and the lady with an aneurysm in which the aneurysm was treated with the technique of filling it with a 'wire substance'. I would like to know if I could get an appointment to see one of the neurosurgeons and explore the possibilty if I might be a candiate for this procedure. I have been diagnosed with CNS Vasculitis on the Lt. middle cerebral this has caused an area to stensos and in front of the stensoses the artery has 'ballooned' out. I was told I also have 'a small aneurysm' behind my Lt. eye. I realise and I am not asking for a diagnosis, I would just like to know if anyone thinks this new procedure would benefit me. I was offerred stent placement (in the stensosed area) the last time I was seen in Memphis at a nero hospital. I refused the stent because the percent of complication was higher than I felt comfortable with. I live in Louisiana and Memphis is quiet a trip but I have made it numerous times. I would appreciate any information.
    Thank you

  2. Of course, there is no way for me to tell you based on an internet question whether an endovascular approach is the best option for you, but certainly it is an important consideration. The LSU Neurosurgery Faculty has two members who are expert in these therapies, Dr. Robert Dawson, whom you saw in that story, and Dr. Arthur Ulm. Either would be more than happy to see you. Both see patients at the Cullichia Neurological Clinic at West Jefferson Hospital. If you call and ask for Jennifer, she can arrange an appointment for you.
